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A Little Bit About Us
It all started with the corn. Cornmeal mush was the beginning of our porridge journey. Our oldest son was a toddler at the time and he enjoyed the cornmeal mush his father made for him on cold winter mornings.

We had been growing organic vegetables on our farm for four years by then; selling vegetables at our farm stand, at Farmers’ Markets and local restaurants.
We grew an heirloom flour corn as an interesting new thing to try; hence the cornmeal mush and myriad other corn creations. This led to experimenting with other grains, and combining them in multi-grain cereal blends. After a bit of trial and error (and there were blends that just didn’t taste so good!) we came up with several tasty hot cereal blends that are the Earth’s Harvest Farm Porridges we sell today.
First and foremost we liked having a tasty, hot breakfast cereal on a cold winter day. As we developed our cereals for market we learned more about the health benefits of the various whole grains we were using. It was a win-win situation. The whole family likes eating porridge and it’s good for us too.
We are sure you will agree!
Paul and Julie